Friday, January 15, 2010

My name is Megan, and I'm a lurker.

So apparently there's a name for what I'd become. And it isn't pretty.

I'm a lurker.

According to Wikipedia - obviously the most reliable of sources - a lurker is a person who reads discussions on a message board, newsgroup, chatroom, file sharing or other interactive system, but rarely or never participates actively.

I'm not proud of this, and I don't even really know how it all started. Wait, yes I do. It all started when I got engaged. A friend sent me a few links - to Snippet and Ink and WeddingBee - and I was immediately sucked into the world of wedding blogs. Then, naturally, I followed these blogging brides as they moved into their newlywedded stages of life...buying homes for the first time, having their first kids...and before I knew it, I was hooked. But I never commented. Ever.

At first I was in denial about being a lurker, but I am now ready to admit it and change my ways.

It's time for me to give back. I'm ready to contribute to the pool of bloggy goodness I've been so heavily taking from for the past couple of years months.

And you know what, I welcome any and all readers. Yes lurkers, that includes you too.

So here we go. The blogging adventure begins.


  1. Yay was it me? Did I tell you first about delurking day?????????? I'm gonna say yes.

    Thanks for the comment!

  2. Yes, Sue - you were the first! You were the first to shame me out of anonymity! I love your blog, and thanks for leaving my first ever comment!
